Wills and Legacies
A gift can be left by writing a will or amending an existing one allowing you to look after causes close to your heart. By leaving a gift in your will, you'll become an essential part of helping us care for the dogs we rescue and rehome. Your gift no matter the size, will go towards keeping our dogs safe and its an act that will always be remembered.
If you would like to remember us in your will there are three main types of gift you can make:
If you would like to leave us a gift in your will the following wording may be helpful when you visit your legal advisor:
" I give all (or a _% share of) the residue of my estate to Epsom Canine Rescue (Registered Charity Number: 1053092), Treasurer, Address here, for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge."
If you have already made your Will and decide that you would like to add a gift to us, the following wording for a codicil may be helpful when you visit your legal advisor:
""I (name) of (address) declare this to be my first codicil to my last Will dated (date). I give (details of legacy) to Epsom Canine Rescue Registered Charity Number: 1053092), Treasurer, Address here, for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be valid and appropriate form of discharge. In all other respects I confirm my Will."
If you have left a gift in your will to us, we can't thank you enough.
For more information email us: admin@epsomcaninerescue.org.uk